What Is Google Remarketing?
Posted on 9th December 2020 at 14:23
Google remarketing, also known as retargeting, is the process by which customers who have previously visited your website, or otherwise consumed your content, are retargeted by online ads. The idea is that by marketing to people who are already familiar with your products or services, you’ll have more chance of converting their interest into action.
If you feel like your current online marketing efforts aren’t producing the results they should, remarketing could therefore be a way of improving your results. Here we take a closer look at remarketing and how it could boost your business.
Have a cookie

Remarketing all starts with a cookie. When a visitor arrives at your website, they’ll be tagged with a little bit of remarketing code, also known as a cookie. This will then add them to your remarketing list.
If you use Google AdWords (the most popular remarketing tool) then the next time the potential customer visits a site that also uses the Google Ad Network, they are presented with an ad for your business. You can customise who sees your ads. For example, you can prioritise new customers or you can aim your ads at people who have previously spent their money with your business.
How does remarketing work?

The vast majority of people who visit your site for the first time – around 97% - will leave without buying anything. This is because most potential customers like to shop around before making a decision on what they’re going to buy.
Remarketing reminds these prospective customers about your business and its products. By keeping your brand at the forefront of their minds, you’ll significantly boost the chances of them returning to your site and making a purchase.
And because remarketing only targets people who have previously visited your website, you can be confident that they’re already interested in what you have to offer. This can dramatically improve your ROI and ensures that you’re not wasting money advertising to people who have no interest in your brand.
Targeted remarketing

There are a number of ways of targeting your remarketing campaign to make it even more effective.
One of the best is to personalise the ads your potential customers see. For example, if a tentative buyer put one of your products in their cart but didn’t get all the way through to payment, you can show them ads directly relating to that product.
Alternatively, if someone visited your website but left before showing an interest in anything specific, you can show them broader ads for your business. This will help to keep them interested and encourage them to return to your website.
Types of remarketing

There are a number of different types of remarketing. Your business can focus on one or invest in a range of different options in order to drive as many customers as possible to your website.
Standard remarketing is when ads are shown to customers who have previously visited your website. Ads are shown on websites and in apps within your chosen ad network (for example, Google AdWords).
Personalised, or dynamic, ads target customers that are interested in specific products or services. This can be very effective if a person came close to making a purchase and changed their mind at the last second.
This type of remarketing focuses specifically on mobile apps and mobile websites. It can be useful if you’re targeting a group that shops primarily on their smartphone or if you want people to make a purchase while they’re on the go.
Video remarketing looks at the videos that customers have interacted with on YouTube and uses this information to show them targeted ads. These targeted ads will also appear on YouTube and are generally inserted either at the beginning or in the middle of videos.
Search engine
Search engine remarketing shows ads for your business to people who have visited your site and who are continuing to search for related products online. This type of remarketing can be especially useful as it shows the potential customers are still interested in the products or services you have to offer.
Another type of remarketing focuses on emailing rather than automatically generated ads. If you’ve collected customer email addresses for a newsletter or another purpose, you can use this information to create a mass mailout. Like other types of remarketing, this will focus your marketing efforts on people who are already interested in, and connected with, your business.
How to make the most of remarketing

Remarketing can be a powerful tool. In order to make the most of it, you need to spend some time planning your remarketing strategy and getting to grips with your chosen remarketing platform.
If you decide to use Google AdWords, a good way to track your progress is to use Google Analytics. This allows you to add tracking codes to your Google Ads campaign and see how much of an impact your remarketing is making. Analytics also allows you to use demographics and interest reports to find out what the people who respond to your ads have in common. This can help you further target your campaign and boost your remarketing results.
You can also customise other elements of your campaign, like the look of your ads and which sites they appear on. This can be great if you’re trying to target a specific demographic or geographic area. The more you get to know your chosen remarketing platform, the more you’ll be able to personalise and target your campaign. However, it’s important to ensure you don’t overuse this tool as, if people see your ads everywhere they go, they may start to get annoyed with your brand.
However, before you even start to think about remarketing, you need a website that is ready to work with Google. Here at it'seeze Web Design Knutsford, we specialise in creating highly effective and affordable websites that can help you reach more people and grow your business.
To find out more about the web design services we offer, get in touch with a member of our team today.
Tagged as: Remarketing
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